The positive results on chocolate from the industrial revolution
My thesis for this blog is the following: “The industrial revolution was a massive victory for chocolate consumers of the world to enjoy.” Here is a question that readers should ask themselves in order to better help with understanding how the Industrial revolution benefited the average consumer: what specifically did the industrial revolution do to benefit consumers of chocolate?” This question could be answered by saying that the industrial revolution created more technology for the mass production of almost so many different products that consumers purchase around the world, chocolate is one of them. One thing to remember is that in free trading (business) when an item is first produced, in the beginning, stages of its creation, it is almost always expensive, especially if the item is in high demand and something new. In the case of chocolate, since it was viewed as a luxury food that only the elites of Europe were able to enjoy, as a result, the rest of the average consumers of the world did not have that same luxury.
As an item evolves, they almost always become cheaper, but one thing to remember is that the production of an item costs money as well, chocolate is no different. Before the industrial revolution, there weren't too many easy ways of producing chocolate, and while there has always been immorality in the production of chocolate, especially slave and child labor, the industrial revolution brought new technology to assist in curbing some of it. This is According to an article titled “A History of Chocolate” by the Academy of Chocolate which states that before the industrial revolution. Of course, one thing to remember is that when an item is being mass-produced it means that there is a big demand for it, or else why would it be mass-produced in the first place? Once the mass production of chocolate began to happen, the chocolate corporations began to market their products at an appropriate price that consumers would be able to afford, this is because they were wanting to sell more chocolate to their consumers.
The industrial revolution meant that there would be more technology to advance the goal of more chocolate being produced, which would lead to lowered prices of chocolate, which ultimately makes it easier for consumers to have access to chocolate. It is important to remember that the reason as to why chocolate was not very easily accessible to the average consumers who were not of elite or rich class status is simply because of how expensive it was. I wouldn’t say that it was because of it being so valuable because chocolate has not lost its value today, people still view it as something very valuable, but rather because it’s not something that only the elites are able to enjoy, and the reason for that is because the industrial revolution made it cheaper and much easier to be produced. In conclusion, the main reason as to why the industrial revolution was a massive benefit to the average consumers of chocolate is that with the advancement of the technology, both the producers of cacao beans, and the chocolate companies were able to have chocolate produced in the masses, have chocolate be produced with much fewer workers, ultimately leading to the chocolate companies leading themselves to the motives of wanting to create more profits, and the only way to do this would be to sell more chocolate, and in order to do this they would have to remember one very important thing that while the consumers do not have complete control over the pricing of chocolate, they do have the power of simply walking away from the product by not purchasing it due to the high price. If one really thinks about it, if the price of chocolate would not be affordable to the people who are not the wealthiest then that would mean that chocolate would continue to be only a food of luxury, and for the very wealthy, and chocolate companies would then be dumbfounded to realize that this would not bring in any more revenue, if only a very few select numbers of people are purchasing it, leading to less overall profits for them to collect.
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